Monday, August 31, 2009

Multiple Intelligence In The Classroom

1) After taking the multiple intelligence quiz the results showed my strongest points are in the musical area, the naturalist, and a kinesthetic learner. I must say that I am these things, but I would not say that they are all my strongest ones. A musical learner has strengths with sounds and patterning. A natualist tends to catagorize things as well as classify them. Lastly, the kinesthetic approach is interaction with the environment that surrounds me. A couple other ones that I had a strong connection with is the inter and intrapersonal approach, which I believe fits me better than the naturalist. I have chosen my career goal on the sheer fact that I enjoy human interaction, and being a teacher will allow me to get that on a daily basis.

2) I have found that learners that are musical and a naturalist like patterns, sounds, and catagorizing. Coming from a personal experience, it helps me organize and store information more efficiently. An example of this is that I have a binder for each class I am taking. I would be lost and cluttered if I kept all my papers in one big binder. Also, being a kinesthetic learner, I like being outside. I have always enjoyed sports and my physical education classes were always my favorite.

3) Taking the time to read through all these different questionnaires about what type of learner I am, it helps me see that others are also very different from me. Obviously, my strong point will be being able to teach the students that have the same learning strengths as me but I must always keep in mind that it might not make any sense to another student. I will probably try and help my students to be organized as possible because with less clutter, there is less to think about.

4) I think that a technology that correlates with my learning abilities is excel. It keeps things organized in a very organized pattern as well as catagorized if need be. I am sure that there are many other technologies that would work well with this learning style, but being a health and fitness major I have been more focused on the anatomy of the body, not so much the technology aspect to fitness.

5) To encorporate all learning types of students I will have to constantly be on my toes and be ready to explain topics or activities in a different way. I will have to look at assignments and projects from many different angles to make sure I can explain it to each individual student to make sure they understand what I am expecting of them. It would not be a bad idea for me to even give them a mini assignment to have them see what kind of learner they are. I know that the quizzes are not exact, but it could at least give me a general idea of what kind of learners I am working with.

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